I wore a NASA sweatshirt going out to dinner the other night.
I’ve become quite a wimp for cold weather, and the night was nippy, and the sweatshirt was swinging there on a hanger before me as I pondered my stay-warm options — a plain grey pull-over sweatshirt with a NASA meatball emblazoned on the front:

Geeky perhaps, but I grabbed it from the hanger, because it was there and because it was cold outside and because, I suppose, I wanted to make a statement.
So I pulled the sweatshirt over my head and put on my coat, leaving it unbuttoned. And I went to dinner with that not-so-subtle statement blazoned to my chest for all to see.
I doubt anyone got it. If they noticed anything, it was probably just that geeky guy at the table over there with the big NASA meatball splayed all over his frontside.