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Thu, 1 Jul 2010, 09:13 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

1. Definitions.

1.1. Let Eu denote a universal set of outcomes that we are interested seeing realized. And let E ⊂ Eu denote some particular subset of outcomes.

1.2. Let Pu denote a universal set of people. And let p ∈ Pu denote a particular person in that set of people. And let P ⊂ Pu denote some particular subset in the universal set of people.

1.3. And finally, let a conversation be defined as the unordered pair CPE ≡ {P,E} where P is a set of people engaged in a conversation about the outcomes E.

2. Managers, Workers and Bankers.

In any conversation about a particular set of outcomes, there are three roles involved with realization of the outcomes.

2.1. In a conversation, CPE, assurance is a commitment by some person p ∈ P that the outcome E will indeed by realized. The person p is therefore charged by P with the responsibility that E will be realized. We call this person a manager.

2.2. In a conversation, CPE, ensurance is a commitment by some person p ∈ P to arrange for E to be realized. The person p is therefore on the hook for figuring out how to realize E and executing those steps. We call this person a worker.

2.3. In a conversation, CPE, insurance is a contact sold by some person p ∈ P to pay monetary damages to P in the event that E is not realized. In the event that this person cannot pay the damages if the outcome is not realized, if this person is bailed out by the government, we call this person a banker, and we do whatever we can to enable him to continue engaging in more and ever-larger conversations of just this sort.

© jumpingfish by David Hasan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License