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Train à Vapeur to Wakefield #1

Tue, 27 Jul 2010, 09:11 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

One morning we left Ottawa after breakfast for Québec across the Ottawa River for Gatineau. We had a reservation for the steam train to Wakefield. As I have been doing (thus far to no complaints), I took my camera.

We bought tickets at a small building surrounded by gardens of blooming flowers while the engine was being prepared at the head of the train.

A photo of the building where tickets were sold.
 A photo of the engine behind some blooming wildflowers. A photo of the engine with steam venting around its wheels.

Our reservations where for a small four-person cabin in the coach Club Riviera.

A photo of a sign pointing the way to the various coaches (left or right). A photo of Trudy and dad walking to our coach (Club Riviera).

As we got underway, the city quickly gave way to Birches and Aspen and White Pines and Red Pines and grass and blooming wildflowers and the Gatineau River running alongside the tracks.

A photo of the view out a window of our train. A photo of trees along the Gatineau River as seen from the train. A photo of a sailboat in the Gatineau River as seen from the train.

A photo of canoes stacked up along the bank of the Gatineau River as seen from the train. A photo of a covered bridge near wakefield (in the distance) and a man paddling a canoe (in the foreground) along the Gatineau River as seen from the train.

To be continued…

© jumpingfish by David Hasan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License