Have you seen the sky lately? Just after sunset with nary a cloud in the sky? As the soccer teams practice under bright white lights? With the western horizon still glowing pink and the east turning dark blue? Before the stars come out, with Venus sinking in the west and Jupiter rising in the east?
Have you seen it? You should.
Have you heard the owls in the trees? Late at night, long after the neighborhood is asleep? With cool air coming in thru the window. The hu-hu-hooting in the trees. One calling and then another responding, thinking that no one else is around to know?
Have you heard it? You should.
Have you been up late finishing that presentation for tomorrow? Finishing around midnight (well before you thought you would)? Thinking it was finally time to go to sleep, because there’s a long drive ahead in the morning? Realizing the your borrowed laptop (to replace your dropped, broken one) won’t fit the external monitor connector that you have? Realizing that you won’t be able to hook up to the projector? That you don’t know if you’ll be able to present your 8.5 x 11 colored, glossy slides after all?
Have you been up late doing that? Well, you shouldn’t.