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Alcohol and Culture

Fri, 31 Dec 2010, 11:55 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

“Dad?” he called from the dining room.

“Yes…?” I answered from the study.

“Is it ok if I stay at college for sixteen years?”

I didn’t say a thing.

“… There are so many good classes.”

I laughed, remembering how I used to get all dreamy and itchy as I leafed thru the course catalog when I was in school. I got up and walked into the dining room.

He had papers spread out on the table before him, papers covered with scribblings: BIOL, POLT, SOCI, ECON, ENVS, HISP. And the browser on his computer had several windows open showing graduation requirements and course descriptions and the schedule for next semester.

He pointed to a class that had caught his eye.  A sociology class: Alcohol and culture.


Well anyway, Happy New Year to you!

© jumpingfish by David Hasan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License