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She Slowed to Look

Sun, 11 Mar 2012, 09:56 AM (-06:00) Creative Commons License


Confusion came with warm weather and rain.

Lantana and Lilies. Cowpen and  Four Nerve and Blackfoot Daisies. Salvia and Spiderwort and Prairie Verbena. Ten-petal Anemone and Agarita and EchinacaeTexas Redbud. They all blossomed early, and the yard has exploded in purples and yellows and whites.


There is a school girl who walks by our house on her way home. She’s not like most kids her age. She walks intentionally, her head deep in thought, a cello case competing with the backpack on her back.

I saw her recently walking by on our side of the street. She looked over at our flowers in the sun. She stopped and turned to gaze at them, looking down the street and then back at the flowers.

She stood there full stop, and I was proud.


Then this girl looked down the street again and took a step back.

A van drove up and stopped. The door slid open. She set her cello one the floor and climbed in. The door closed, and the van drove off.

And then of course I knew why she had actually stopped. It wasn’t our purples and yellows and whites. And I knew my pride was misplaced. But of course, that doesn’t really matter. Because the color was there, and you know she saw it, and that is what matters.


It rained again last night, a luscious, soaking rain. And the sun is out this morning.

And the Bluebonnets are coming soon.

© jumpingfish by David Hasan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License