After hiking to the edge of the world and peering over the precipices of Na Pali, and after hiking back up the 1600 feet we had come down, we were tired. I know that I told you that, already, but I don’t think I complained about just how sore we got. Correction: how sore I got. The strong and steadfast Trudy knows no pain.
For days the soreness lingered. It was difficult to lift my legs into the car. I hobbled when I stood up out of a chair or got out of bed. Climbing stairs was agonizing.
BUt that was then, at the beginning of our stay on Kaua‘i. This was now, and I felt human again.
As we began climbing the Kalalau Trail and leaving Ke‘e Beach behind, I not only felt ok, but I felt more fit, as if somehow that previous hike had been training for this one.
And looking up at the bounder-strewn trail disappearing into the rain forest above us, that was probably a good thing.