Now there came a day amid the lengthening days of that winter when he gathered a scant few of his belongings and his faithful dog Miss Izzy and waved farewell for a time to his loving Chachi Bette who had been as his caretaker and companion and ventured forth.
Across the plains did he fare, under the orbiting sun as mid-day gave way to afternoon whereupon was he come to the House of Everblooming Yellow in the City By The Hills. And there were the two of them embraced by the Fair and Industrious Trudy and the wag-tailingĀ Mr. Guinness.
And the four of them stood there in the sunshine and rejoiced at being together once more, albeit for only two days whereupon he must return whence he came. Yet in that moment for the love of each other and of the short time they might have together, they were forsooth content.