From the back of the office, it could have been hard to find your way out. There were halls that went off in one direction or another. There were waiting areas where you had to turn even though it wasn’t obvious. But there were also signs. At each step where you found yourself asking “where am I supposed to go?”, there were signs with arrows pointing to Checkout. So I followed the signs.
“Sir, window 2 is available for checking out,” a woman said as soon as I wandered in. (I must have had that look on my face.)
The woman there was busy. She was fishing thru a paper bag, pulling out an envelope. And she had evidently just pulled out a “bouquet” of … well the company’s name says it all: an edible arrangement. No flower bouquet, this. Instead someone had sent her an arrangement of … edibles.
There were slices of pineapple on sticks. And pieces of canteloupe on sticks. And kiwi slices. And strawberries. And watermelon balls. And there were morsels covered in dark chocolate. And others covered in white-striped chocolate. It was a huge arrangement …and colorful …and…
“Wow,” I said.
“Really. That’s what I say,” she said, smiling from ear to ear.
“There’s enough here for…,” and I glanced at her colleague at window 1, “…for the whole office!”
They laughed. “It’s true,” she said.
“Someone must like you.”
“It’s from my boyfriend,” she said.
“Oh…,” I said. “Now that’s some kind of boyfriend.”
“He is,” she said. “It’s about time.”