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Yearly Archives: 2016

On Lake Walter E. Long

Mon, 6 Jun 2016, 08:00 PM (-06:00)

After some grueling paddling into fierce winds, we finally found calm waters in the lea of the trees and cattails lining the northern and western shores of Lake Walter E. Long.  Kyle and Ry were in a new red canoe. Izzy and I were in our new red kayak. (The colors were coordinated almost perfectly.) […]


Mon, 6 Jun 2016, 07:29 PM (-06:00)

While we waited for our enchiladas and chalupas to arrive, the waiter across the room caught my attention. His face was familiar. I leaned toward Trudy. “I think that guy used to work at El Patio,” I said. She looked at him and smiled. Let’s just say that my reputation does not include great facilities […]

A Work of Art?

Mon, 6 Jun 2016, 01:08 AM (-06:00)

“Have you seen my table?” Trudy shouted across the street? She was eager to show off her husband’s (rare) handiwork. Bill walked over and stood in the shade of the Lacy Oak. “Wow… He’s… he’s…” Then was silent, holding his chin and looking down at the ground. “He’s what?” Trudy asked. I cringed at what […]

Mohammed Ali, RIP

Sat, 4 Jun 2016, 12:38 PM (-06:00)

I was in middle school. All the cool kids sang all the commercials on television. They argued with some authority about who was best, The Beatles or The Stones. And the boys passionately debated who was going to win the fight. I sat quietly on the sidelines during these discussions, never having heard of the […]

What The Rain Did

Fri, 3 Jun 2016, 09:03 PM (-06:00)

The tomatoes and cucumbers are a lost cause. The rain has stopped them from blossoming, and the hot heat of summer is just around the corner. Another year’s fail for the Trudy and David vegetable garden. But look what else the rain did. Click the pics!

Looking Back

Thu, 2 Jun 2016, 09:19 PM (-06:00)

Pluto just moments after closest approach as sunlight glints thru the planet’s — yes, I said it — stratified atmosphere.  credit: New Horizons/JHUAPL Click the pic to enlarge.

A Scary Story in Two Parts

Thu, 2 Jun 2016, 08:56 PM (-06:00)

1. At The Boat Ramp “I saw something last weekend that really scared me,” he said the other day when we were at lunch. I raised my eyebrows in a do tell way as I took another bite of BBQ sausage. And so he told me this little story of how he saw a guy […]


Tue, 31 May 2016, 08:47 PM (-06:00)

1. Talking to Strangers I sometimes talk to strangers. An observation about what’s going on around us. A comment about what just happened that we both might laugh at. I don’t do it often, but I do it sometimes. Trudy will confirm this. It usually makes her cringe. She  can see from the look on […]

Theoretical Physics

Sat, 28 May 2016, 06:03 PM (-06:00)

1. Son of a Theoretical Physicist Books line the back wall of my study. Morse and Feshbach; Poincaré; Jackson; Goldstein; Misner, Thorne and Wheeler; Courant and Hilbert; Margenau and Murphy; Abraham and Marsden. And others. I am my father’s son. Many of those books were his. And more than a bit of my father’s theoretical […]

He’s A Farmer

Thu, 26 May 2016, 10:55 PM (-06:00)

“Underneath it all, I’m a farmer,” he said. We were drinking coffee. It was still early enough in the morning that our conversation was a bit wacky. And when he said the word farmer, he dragged out the ‘a’ — I’m a faaaaarmer. He’s got lots of cucumbers. We got five before the rain turned off […]