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Monthly Archives: December 2019

Winter Concert

Sat, 7 Dec 2019, 06:23 PM (-06:00)

It was dark in the auditorium when I got there. There were lots of people, but it was quickly obvious that this was because the Intermediate School band was performing in addition to the two High School bands. In spite of the traffic, I had made it in time. Surrounded by darkness and in hopes […]

Daily Notes

Sun, 1 Dec 2019, 09:49 AM (-06:00)

It’s common for students to walk into class before the bell and as they make their way to their assigned seats to ask, “Are we taking notes, Mister?” I usually chuckle. They know what that means, because we have notes almost every day. Part of what I’m teaching them is how to communicate well, and […]

The Need for Practice

Sun, 1 Dec 2019, 09:34 AM (-06:00)

After the test, a student came up to my desk. He was holding a homework assignment that was due that day. “Do you have the answers, Mister?”  I generally provide answers to the problems so that they can check their own work. It’s reassuring when I see them checking, since it suggests that they are […]