A message popped up. It was from a student who has recently gone remote again. Many students are going remote again — some because their families are no longer willing to accept the risks, others because the school is doing contact tracing on kids testing positive. But I digress.
A message had popped up. The subject said “Test”, and since we recently had a quiz, I took a look. There was some kind of matrix with filled in bubbles.
Wait. What?
Down further there were a few measures of (not too many) notes.
Clearly meant for some other teacher, right? Maybe not, since I had recently been talking to band and choir kids about music and math (counterpoint, Bach, syncopation, … throat singing).
“Did you mean to send this to me?” I replied.
“Sorry. I meant to send it to Mr Davis.”
Whew. I was worried she was subtly testing me and that I had failed.