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Yearly Archives: 2023


Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 09:41 PM (-06:00)

This is a bit out of sequence. Before Michigan on this trip, before Wisconsin, before Minnesota, there was a northward trek across Central Iowa. This story is about that day one week ago. And my apologies in advance: this one is kind of long in the telling. —  1. Low Pressure It’s Sunday. We are […]

Michigamme Roadside Park

Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 10:30 AM (-06:00)

At the Michigamme Roadside Park on Lake Michigamme about 20 minutes west of Ispheming, MI. It’s killing me not walk across the highway and snag a rock that’s sheered off the cut into the bedrock. For the Fair and Industrious Trudy, of course, who has returned to the pressure dome over Texas. Given the traffic […]

A Wisconsin wayside

Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 10:10 AM (-06:00)

US-51 north out of Minocqua, WI. There’s a line of traffic strung out behind me waiting for a chance to pass. With each minute, the line gets longer, and almost certainly to the chagrin of most of them the truck right behind me seems to be equally happy with 55 mph, making passing both of […]

Oxbo, Wisconsin

Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 04:20 PM (-06:00)

The door was heavy and resisted pushing. There was a step down just inside, and after the bright sun outside it was hard to see. The floor was wooden and worn, and there were bundles of firewood stacked for sale just inside.  There was a long bar with a few people sitting at it. This […]

Take Me Away

Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 04:51 AM (-06:00)

“You want to take me away?” she asked me from her wheelchair. “You want to go away?” I asked her. “Yes. You wanna take me?” I looked down at the cat who had jumped into the chair with me.  “I would but I have a kitty on my lap.” “I’m talking about me,” she said. […]

He Did It

Fri, 26 May 2023, 09:23 AM (-06:00)

After the students had walked out onto the field… After the band stopped playing Pomp and Circumstance… After the sun went down behind the bleachers… After the students had walked across the stage… After the tossing of mortar boards… After the fireworks… After all that, I saw Jon amid the blue.  “I’ll be right back,” […]

On the Merits of Having a Hole in the Bucket

Tue, 23 May 2023, 08:52 PM (-06:00)

There used to be Pyracanthas against that wall. Winding branches. Dark green oval leaves. Orange berries. And pokey thorns that burned like fire. But they didn’t make it. Years ago, one withered and died. Soon after the other. When we planted Coral Honeysuckle on a trellis against the wall, the curse remained. The vines struggled […]

Time to Mow?

Sun, 21 May 2023, 08:31 PM (-06:00)

The front yard is… well… Is it time to mow? How to do?

Morning Birdsong

Sun, 21 May 2023, 07:22 AM (-06:00)

It was a Cardinal that woke me up. Singing in the canopy in the distance. No wait, that’s not it. You can’t hear the outside with the patio door is closed. So why on earth was I out of bed so early? Highly nonstandard. The bedroom was dark when I threw off the sheet. I fumbled […]

You Would Have

Sat, 20 May 2023, 11:11 AM (-06:00)

You would have enjoyed this morning. It wouldn’t have made any difference, front yard or back. You would have enjoyed it. Enjoyed the birdsong. Enjoyed the greenery. Enjoyed the wildflowers. Enjoyed the breeze.  You would have sung back to the Wrens in the Cedar Elms. You would have thanked the overcast sky holding the heat […]