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It’s Got Slope

Thu, 26 Sep 2024, 05:28 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

The two of them walked up after the test. 

“Can we go give Mr. Smith a sticker?” they asked.

These two are crazy about stickers. I’ve seen them shuffling thru sheets of them pointing and laughing. And they’ve gone to Mr. Smith before.

I confess that I don’t understand this. I’ve previously had students who had a similar love of stickers and a student teacher who gave them out to students much to the their everlasting glee. So although I don’t understand it, I recognize that’s on me.

“Yes,” I said. “Come back.”

“We will!” 

Ten minutes later they came back and resumed shuffling and laughing. Then they came up, holding three sheets splayed out.

“Mr. Hasan,” they said. “Pick a sticker. Any sticker.”

I inspected the options.

“It needs to match the STOP sticker you gave me the other day,” I mumbled. 

“How about this one?” one of them asked, pointing to the very one I was about to choose.

I pealed it off the sheet.

“I’ll put it on my coffee bottle all cattywampus. Like this. What do you think?” 

stickers on my coffee thermos

“Very nice,” they said. “It’s got slope!” 

© jumpingfish by David Hasan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License