[…] what will happen when the throngs of Obama faithful realise that they gave their hearts not to a movement that shared their deepest values but to a devoutly corporatist political party, one that puts the profits of drug companies before the need for affordable health care, and Wall Street’s addiction to financial bubbles before the needs of millions of people whose homes and jobs could have been saved with a better bailout?
[Klein/Branding Obama]
What will happen? Now we know: Massachusetts.. Their anger will keep them home. It will drive them to the other side. The party that took them for granted will be in deep doodoo.
“You sound like a tea bagger.”
“In a way, you’re right,” I said. “You’re hearing anger.”
I’m so angry I could spit. And I am far from the only one. The formerly hopeful throngs have finally realized they’ve been snookered. And the party hasn’t the faintest clue.