Bobby Jindal quoted in The National Review carrying the water for the haters:
I suspect that many in the Obama administration really don’t believe in private enterprise. At best, they see business as something to be endured so that that it can provide tax money for government programs. [Jindal, TNR]
Really. Is that so?
And I suspect that Jindal and many of his ilk really just want to eliminate taxes for the rich, eliminate public schools, eliminate public libraries, eliminate all social programs for the poor, eliminate all environmental protections, eliminate all financial regulations, eliminate all civil rights, eliminate all voting rights, eliminate the few remaining unions, deport all the brown people, privatize the police, privatize the Army, privatize the schools, privatize all public utilities, make English the legally-enforced official language of the state.
I suspect that Jindal and his ilk reject the Bill of Rights, that they reject separation of church and state, that they reject the notion of peaceable assembly, that they think protestors should be tased and beaten and locked up when they stray beyond the confines of the fenced-in free speech zones, that they would lock up the Japanese in internment camps again at the drop of a hat, and that we all must now carry our papers to prove to the storm trooper that we have a right to be out on the streets.
I suspect that they really just want to be safe: safe in their gated communities as far from the rif-raf as possible, safe to dump their oil in the ocean, safe to mine the mountains, safe to dump their waste in our streams, safe to enrich themselves by casino gambling on Wall Street, safe to make their millions in any dang way they choose, safe from the notions of public welfare, public health and public good.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not an Obama cheerleader by any means. But I’m just saying. I have some suspicions myself.