I have a lot of things to catch up on, a lot of thoughts scribbled on paper that I ought to convert into bits. This is one of them: some scribbled notes from a late March camping trip to Huntsville State Park…
1. The Night Before
It rained a little last night. It was barely noticeable at first, starting silently then coming down faster until there was an unmistakable patter of drops on the tent.
I hopped out of the sleeping bag and climbed into my jeans and dashed out to stash a few things in the car and to cover a few things and to put a few things away.
And with all things secured, I crept back into the tent and fell soundly asleep until day started to break and the birds began to sing.
2. The Morning After
“Come have some bacon!” we said to Melody as she walked over to say good morning. And to Cody who had several slices. And then to Steve.
And then we said it to Cody again, which led me to put more slices on the skillet. And several more. And then yet more. Cody’s appetite was outstripping my ability to cook.
Still, eventually we all had our fill of eggs and bacon and tortillas and coffee.
The perfect way to start a camping day.
3. That Afternoon
The sun came out in bursts between fleeting clouds. At moments the forest was aglow in spring-green with blooming Dogwoods in the understory of the Oak and Pine and Sweetgum trees. And then at moments dark clouds would pass overhead and a storm seemed imminent.
But then a breeze would stir, and the wind would blow across the water at the foot of the hill, and the rushing breeze thru the Pines would blow away the darkness, and the sun would come out again, warming our skin, casting shadows at our feet as we sat in the blissful comfort of our camp chairs reading and writing and thinking that this was the perfect way to start a camping afternoon.