It was the first day of the second semester of my third year as a teacher. What period was it? I don’t remember. First, second, sixth. One of the pre-AP classes.
It had been a minor struggle all morning. The upgraded Zoom apps had a new user interface. The wireless was slow. Zoom was slow. Things weren’t starting out particularly smoothly — not quite chaotic, more like comedic.
“Someone’s in the waiting room,” someone said.
“You’re muted, Mr. Hasan,” someone else said.
They know they need to tell me these things. And when they do, they say it like your brother might — gently, like a reminder.
“We can’t see what you’re writing”. The Zoom waiting room window on my second laptop was covering the document camera window.
“It’s ok,” one of them said. “Mr. Hasan just forgot it all over the holidays.”
True. So true.