This might be a good time to grab a phone or camera.
The Texas Star and Pink Evening Primrose and Mealy Blue Sage and Salvia Greggii and the last vestiges of the Giant Spiderwort blossoms are dancing in the breeze. The Nuthatches and Wrens and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers are singing in the trees. It has warmed up enough for the bees to come out. The noontime sun is trying to come thru the clouds. A pot of coffee sits beside the bench, and Fleetwood Mac is playing on the speaker nearby.
There is a Black Swallowtail fluttering circles in the yard, sampling each dancing, wide-open primrose, its metallic blue wing patches glinting in the slivers of sunlight.
Yeah, this could be a good time to grab a phone or camera. But I’m out here, and they’re inside. So no. This isn’t such a good time for that, after all.