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Sawbucks for a Non-Handy Man

Sat, 30 Dec 2023, 09:32 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

1. The Need

Was it ten years ago? Maybe fifteen. According to the fair and industrious Trudy, Ben was still in high school, so … 14 years ago. That’s how long ago this was.

There I was standing in our driveway rasumfrassing to myself amidst a bunch of scattered branches. I was tired of cutting fallen tree limbs precariously perched on the garbage can. I needed a sawbuck. 

I once saw a sawbuck made by a cousin of mine. He had slapped it together from scrap in a couple minutes just to make … well, to simplify the cutting of fallen tree limbs. Just what I needed. And I recalled my cousin whipping this thing together as naturally and second-nature to him as  … deriving the Lagrange planetary equations might once have been to me. Ok so perhaps as second-nature as … deriving the quadratic formula would be for me now. QED. That’s how quickly I remembered him assembling that thing.

I had had enough. I needed a sawbuck.

2. Sawbuck v1.0

Remember now, this is 10 or 15 or 14 years ago.

There I was in the driveway with the branches about me. In my rasumfrassage, I determined to make me a sawbuck.

Of course, there were some long-ago scrounged 2x4s in the garage and some oft-used and oft-straightened über-nails. These would have been sufficient, but I had something more in mind. Earlier that day, I had spied a pile of lumber by the curb down the street. Someone was throwing away perfectly good stuff.

I walked down to inspect. And I proudly returned with six long, pristine tongue-and-groove boards under my arms. I set the boards down. Got the 2x4s. Got the nails. And got some screws that many years before I had scrounged from my father’s basement when he sold his house (which would have been like 30 years ago?).

And I proceeded to make me a sawbuck.

3. Sawbuck v2.0

In the years since, the sawbuck has served its purpose well. But that was 10 or 15 or 14 years ago. You remember that, right? (See the opening sentence above.)

Time has passed. The weather has taken its toll, as it will on a sawbuck left out in the elements. Those tongue-and-groove boards have utterly decomposed. So this afternoon I decided that my sawbuck had become a hazard.

The scrounged 2x4s and über-nails from which the business-end of the sawbuck was composed are fine. My father’s basement-stashed screws were still in pristine shape. And there were four tongue-and-groove boards from that years-ago pile down the street remaining in the garage, stacked neatly where I put them them 10 or 15 or 14 years ago. (Ok not right where I put them then, but near enough by.)

Shining sun. Blue sky. Frische Luft. Fast-forward a bit (as you might wish me to do about now), and … I’ve got me a brand-ish new sawbuck. It’s a double doozie. This time I treated the tongue-and-groove boards with Australian Timber Oil, so the boards shouldn’t decompose so quickly, right? They should last … what … 20 years? 

When that time does come, the two remaining tongue-and-groove boards from the pile down the street will be waiting in the garage for Sawbuck v3.0. 

Causes and Effects

Fri, 29 Dec 2023, 10:20 AM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

We can keep going with this, you know…

1. Root Cause Analysis 

When you launch rockets or fly airplanes full of passengers, you want things to go well. You don’t want mishaps.

There is an engineering discipline called root cause analysis dedicated to providing objective techniques for trying to make sure bad days don’t happen. It is used by NASA and the FAA — think the Challenger explosion, think near collisions between passenger jets on a runway. But it’s actually a general tool for thinking about how to avoid problems.

Today you will use root cause analysis as a tool to understand the US Civil War. And you’ll also do some math.

2. The Assignment

I hand out the assignment to the class. It includes what the students are to do and a rubric for how I will grade their work. Here are their instructions.

  • Write a brief definition of root cause analysis. Explain what it is and what some of the core concepts are. Cite your references.
  • Provide two examples of how root cause analysis has been used in the real world. Briefly explain each example and how the analysis was used. Cite your references.
  • Briefly explain your understanding of the difference between a root cause and a proximate cause.
  • Before 2019, the Texas social studies curriculum mandated teaching the causes of the civil war as (a) sectionalism, (b) states’ rights, and (c) slavery, in that order. Briefly summarize what each of those causes “mean” with regard to the US Civil War. Cite your references.
  • Explicitly classify those three causes of the Civil War as either root or proximate causes. Briefly justify your classification based on the definitions.
  • Briefly explain why you do or don’t feel that (a) the US Civil War was a “mishap” and (b) root cause analysis is a useful tool for understanding the history of the US Civil War. (There is no “correct” answer, here. I am interested in your thinking.)
  • And… since this is a math class, also complete this synthetic division worksheet.

Let’s skip over the grading rubric. Nothing of significance to see there, right?

An Assignment

Thu, 28 Dec 2023, 12:07 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

1. A Question

A video plays on the monitor at the front of the classroom. In it, Nikki Haley is on stage at a town hall meeting. An audience member asks, “What was the cause of the United States Civil War?”

We watch the video for a few minutes. Then I turn to the class.

“Painful isn’t it?”

No one speaks.

“So what just happened?”

And from that question, we begin to incrementally work into the deeper issues, beginning with what a Town Hall is, and why a candidate might want to field questions from audience members. The students talk about what they noticed. And they begin to discuss what they wonder.

The discussion is civil, but before long time is almost up.

2. An Assignment

I hand out a sheet of paper.

“Here is an assignment. You are going to gather some historical facts. You will collect details on what happened when. Then you will focus on South Carolina and the US Constitution. It’s all related to part of what that man in the audience asked.

“Here are the details.” I point to the monitor.

  • Which state was the first to secede from the Union? When did that happen? Which states quickly seceded to form the Confederate States of America? Which states came later?
  • On 03 January 1861, Delaware rejected secession and remained in the Union. Slavery was legal in Delaware. Research these facts and briefly explain what was going on. 
  • On 09 February 1861, a Tennessee referendum to convene a convention to secede from the Union failed, presumably rejecting secession. But by 06 May, public opinion had evidently changed, and Tennessee seceded. Research the importance of Middle Tennessee in this change, and briefly explain what was going on. Make sure to discuss the role slavery played.
  • There have been reports (in the press? online?) that the first sentence of the South Carolina ordinance seceding from the Union refers to slavery. Here is that document. Does the first sentence refer to slavery? Does the document explain the rationale for secession? 
  • Here is another document which perhaps is what the reports were referring to. What is the purpose of this document? Its first sentence does indeed refer to slavery. What is the gist of that reference? 
  • The above document refers to Article 4 of the US Constitution. Briefly explain what part of Article 4 is relevant and South Carolina’s complaint with regard to that clause. Make sure to discuss how slavery is related to this complaint.
  • Assemble a timeline of the following events, including a title for each event, a brief description, and the date of the event: (a) the passage of South Carolina’s ordinance of secession, (b) Lincoln’s election, (c) the passage of the Provisional Constitution of the Confederate States, (d) the beginning of the US Civil War, and (e) passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.
  • Finally, briefly explain whether or not you think that the Thirteenth Amendment closed the question on slavery in the United States. This is a big question. I am just looking for a brief outline of your thinking, backed up by some facts.

3. Wait

Oh wait. This is Algebra 2. What was I thinking? Your next assignment is this worksheet on polynomial division. 

Silent Sunday

Sun, 24 Dec 2023, 12:17 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet walk in the snow

public domain badge

Matrix Sound Effects

Tue, 19 Dec 2023, 06:32 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

As they were reviewing for the final, a student walked up and quietly asked a question.

“Well,” I began to answer. “Do you remember when we talked about matrix multiplication?” 

“Kinda,” she said, drawing it out in the way they do when they in fact don’t remember.

“There was a problem about four women runners and how many points they earned.”

“And you made sound effects.”

“I did,” I said.

I reached to the whiteboard and acted as if I were removing a row from a matrix (making a creaking “errrrhhhkkk”), turning it (making a hooting “wooop”), and lining it up against an imagined vector (making a tongue-popping percussive sound).

“That was it,” she said.

The rest of the answer to her question was relatively easy.

What You Get For Taking the Final

Thu, 14 Dec 2023, 09:43 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

If you come to room B102 starting today and take the Algebra 2 final exam, you’ll get two Oreos. And a card celebrating the imminent break with a picture of the school and students fleeing to positive and negative infinity.

card cover with the school at the origin of a numberline and stick figures running to +/- infinity

And you’ll get a promise that we’ll see each other soon.

the inside of the card saying 'See you next year!' with some doodles

Good luck!

We Got This

Wed, 13 Dec 2023, 08:45 PM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

“Are you going to decorate your door, Mr. Hasan?” a student asks.

“Well, I’ve kinda started.”

“That’s it? That red paper? I thought someone was helping you.”

“They’re not finished.”

“Judging is Friday, Mr. Hasan. You want us to help?”

Easy question to answer.

And so they take the snowflakes cut out from handed-in worksheets. And they take the elf with my face superimposed. And they ask for tape and scissors and pens and more butcher paper (because the red paper on the door was ragged at the bottom and needed to be neatened up).

They’re in the hall as I write. I see movement under the door. And periodically I hear the sound of packing tape being pulled from the roll. 

“We’re going to redo the tape at the top,” they say. 

“Yeah, the top of the door is dusty, so the tape didn’t stick. If you want, you could…”

“Mr. Hasan,” Sonya says peering around the door with a smile to reassure me. “We got this,”

And so they did.

In-Between Time

Mon, 11 Dec 2023, 10:51 AM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

Last week it was warm enough to swim laps outside. By the northern standards of my youth, fall has not yet fallen in spite of the mid-December date. Yellow Cowpen Daisies and Zexmenia, pink and yellow Lantana, and even some lingering purple Fall Asters are exploding in showy blossoms.

Top notch, but certainly not my grandmother’s notion of fall color.

Still, as the temperatures drop (as they did this morning with things below freezing), the leaves do turn. The tiny cat-tongue leaves of the Cedar Elms reliably turn bright yellow. The Texas Red Oaks might turn deep burgundy. Dense clusters of Flame Leaf Sumac ignite.

In a good year, we get a week or two of in-between time where the flowers are still blooming and the leaves begin turning. This has been a good year.

Clear Plastic Spoons

Sun, 10 Dec 2023, 10:37 AM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

Note #1

A colleague sent me a note the other day. A student aide knocked on my door and held out a sheet of paper. The aide said that she had asked him to deliver it. I thanked him, set the paper aside, and continued with cubic functions. 

I looked at the note later. It was an Amazon receipt for clear plastic spoons with a sticky note attached. It was signed … uniquely.

stick note with a heart

Now, it is true that this colleague and I get along well. She and I really love our kids. We like foreign languages. We have both been recognized as good teachers. But evidently I didn’t realize the depth of our relationship. 

Note #2

In response to her note, I sent an email back letting her know that her secret was out: that the gift of clear plastic spoons was unexpected but … appreciated. And I attached a photo of the receipt with the sticky note attached.

Moments later a horrified reply arrived in my inbox.

It seems that the receipt was intended for the school secretary and that the sticky note was for her not me. “Oh Mylanta,” she wrote. “What will Trudy think?” 

A Birthday Party

Last night this colleague had a birthday party — a big one, a multiple of 10. She saw me when I arrived and graciously came over to thank me for coming.

“I have a card for you,” I said.

She looked at me suspiciously. “You didn’t…” 

“Well, open it,” I said.

There was a drawing of a cake on the cover. A cake with many candles — a multiple of 10 and then some. And on the inside there was a hoard of celebrating stick figures lined along the bottom of the paper. They had their hands in the air. Some were jumping. Some were dancing.

In the middle of the card there was a brief note: “We all you!” The heart was prominent. The emphasis was on all.

The party was really fun. Sadly, it appears I won’t be getting clear plastic spoons this year.

ss birdbath

Sun, 10 Dec 2023, 08:29 AM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

sun reflected in the birdbath with leaves


© jumpingfish by David Hasan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License