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Sun, 17 Nov 2013, 12:03 AM (-06:00) Creative Commons License

Ok, so this isn’t fair.

We’re up at 5:45am. Before the rising of the sun. Before the rising of the dogs. We’re out of the house by 6:32. To go running. Six miles for the fair and industrious Trudy. Ten for me, although truth be told, the hills and progression miles took their toll and had me walking in spurts at the end so ten is not likely an accurate count. But you get the idea.

And then we’re out running errands. Acupuncture appointments. Baby gifts for Alex and Kim next door. Reflective running gear for those runs in the dark that will come next week and next and next. And although Trudy managed to sneak in a nap or two in the middle of the day, I didn’t. Concentrating as I was in front of the computer for a while on VirtualBox and Vagrant and Puppet and yum updates that are failing because nothing needs updating.

So at the end of the long day, I finally lay me down to sleep. But no. No sleep.

Wide eyes. Stevie Wonder bouncing thru my brain, because I had the temerity to actually play some music on the stereo yesterday (my brother would be proud) and Masterblaster was the last thing I played and my brain is evidently stuck in infinite replay mode.

No sleep. As Trudy breathes long in-and-out breaths, I’m thinking of SQL queries. And the hedge in the back that needs clipping. And the pergola that’s going to fall down any day now. And the irises that need to be dug up and clipped. And the two Bluebonnets that I saw sprouting next to the tomatoes that froze the other night before it got to be in the 80s today. And the compost piles that need to be consolidated. And wouldn’t it be nice to have different house numbers on the outside of the house under the light thrown down by our new sconces?

It isn’t fair.

© jumpingfish by David Hasan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License