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Category Archives: Default

He Did It

Fri, 26 May 2023, 09:23 AM (-06:00)

After the students had walked out onto the field… After the band stopped playing Pomp and Circumstance… After the sun went down behind the bleachers… After the students had walked across the stage… After the tossing of mortar boards… After the fireworks… After all that, I saw Jon amid the blue.  “I’ll be right back,” […]

On the Merits of Having a Hole in the Bucket

Tue, 23 May 2023, 08:52 PM (-06:00)

There used to be Pyracanthas against that wall. Winding branches. Dark green oval leaves. Orange berries. And pokey thorns that burned like fire. But they didn’t make it. Years ago, one withered and died. Soon after the other. When we planted Coral Honeysuckle on a trellis against the wall, the curse remained. The vines struggled […]

Time to Mow?

Sun, 21 May 2023, 08:31 PM (-06:00)

The front yard is… well… Is it time to mow? How to do?

Morning Birdsong

Sun, 21 May 2023, 07:22 AM (-06:00)

It was a Cardinal that woke me up. Singing in the canopy in the distance. No wait, that’s not it. You can’t hear the outside with the patio door is closed. So why on earth was I out of bed so early? Highly nonstandard. The bedroom was dark when I threw off the sheet. I fumbled […]

You Would Have

Sat, 20 May 2023, 11:11 AM (-06:00)

You would have enjoyed this morning. It wouldn’t have made any difference, front yard or back. You would have enjoyed it. Enjoyed the birdsong. Enjoyed the greenery. Enjoyed the wildflowers. Enjoyed the breeze.  You would have sung back to the Wrens in the Cedar Elms. You would have thanked the overcast sky holding the heat […]

Empty Benches

Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 09:13 PM (-06:00)

The benches under the trees in the woods on the hill by the lake are empty.Bye mom.

Footsteps in the Dark

Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 09:34 AM (-06:00)

It was night. It was late. The forest was dark.  The ground was marvelously soft from the rains the week before. Yet even though the man knew the path well, whenever he took his eyes (and his headlamp) off the ground at his feet, he found himself wandering into the softer softness of leaves and […]

End of Another Day

Fri, 2 Jul 2021, 09:19 PM (-06:00)

1. Gold I was on the phone with cousins when I stopped mid-sentence. Something is dreadfully wrong with the forest over there, I thought to myself. How is it possible that the leaves have turned yellow in just the last few days? My heart was breaking. There are Pines and Maples and Oaks and Black […]


Fri, 2 Jul 2021, 07:36 PM (-06:00)

It gets a bit wonky around Baldwin Lake. The Flat River Trail map shows that the trail doesn’t officially go around the lake but rather ends at a narrow road by the water’s edge. But that road follows the shore, wraps around the northern arm, cuts across a tiny strip to Manoka Lake, and from there […]

White Pine

Fri, 2 Jul 2021, 05:30 PM (-06:00)

Why yes. That would be a White Pine.